Monday, December 04, 2006

I LURVE JEAN'S QUIZES! She has another one too... Mainly about sex though.

[brackets with crosses means it has been done]
You have gotten F9 grades for math many times[]
You do last minute homework in class[x]
You use your handphone to text your friends in class[x]
Your phone got confiscated before[skill required!]
You listen to music during class[]
You sleep in class[]
You curse teachers[]
You are always late for extra classes[]
You doodle on tables[]
You make out in class[DUH NO]
You are rebellious with some teachers[]
You sometimes hand up work late[x. DUH!]
You make fun of the nerds and geeks[x]
You have broken school rules[x. DUH!]
You sometimes don't have the correct books[x]
You don't take notes[x]
Recess is your favourite part of school[x. sometimes.]
You hang out after school[]
You lie to your teachers about homework[]
You tell your parents you don't have homework to do when you do.[x]
You have made someone cry in school[x]
You copied homework before[x]
You threw away homework before but said you didn't even receive it[]
You laugh at the way some teachers walk[x! CLS!]
You have been late couple of times[x. ONCE or TWICE?]
I'm much worse than Jean! More than DOUBLE leh...
1. What do you do when you're mad? Just sit at a corner and sulk. Or pretend nothing happened.
2. What's the worst thing you've done when you're mad? Slapped Ness numerous times on the back.
3. Ever made someone cry when you were mad? Don't think so.
4. Ever physically hurt someone when you were mad? Toldya in Q2! ARE YOU LISTENING?
5. Do you curse when you're mad? Nope.
6. When was the last time you cried like mad? When... I thought Can Xiang liked Vanessa!
7. Ever cried yourself to sleep? When my mum scolded me when I was small...
8. Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? No. Don't cry infront of them at all.
9. Do you cry when you get an injury? Depends on what it is! -DUH-
10. Do certain songs make you cry? Depends on who's there...
11. What's the worst thing you've done to someone else? Dumped *him*.
12. How depressed can you get? Scream "I'm depressed!" which means I never do.
13. How much do you smile? So much that Orty asked me,"Why do you smile so much?"
14. What can make you happy? Everything.
15. Do you wish you were happier? Never did. I don't want to go insane.
16. Does being with your friends make you happy? WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS? DUH.
17. Have you ever loved someone? Yep. Parents, teachers, friends, guys. Yep.
18. Did you ever love a person and told him/her? Yep. Parents, teachers, friends, guys. Yep.
19. Have you ever loved someone so much, it made you cry? Not really. Maybe when my parents fought.
20. Has anyone besides your friends and family said 'I love you' to you? Nope. I'm not a 'mei nu'.
21. Have you ever hated anyone that broke your heart? Nope.
22. Do you hate George Bush? That depends on who's reading this.
23. Is your self-esteem extremely low? Nope.
24. Do you believe in yourself? Absolutely.
25. What do you say when people say they think you are pretty/handsome? Thank you. (And exclaim,"Oh! No one has ever said that to me before!" before bursting into tears. Okay leave out that bit.)
26. Are you one of those idiots who think they are ugly, dumb and fat? Not at all, because firstly I'm not an idiot, I'm don't think I'm dumb or fat EVEN IF I AM.
27. Ever wanted to kill yourself 'cos you thought you weren't good enough? I'm always good enough for God.
28. Are you happy with who you are? Couldn't be happier. Contentment is really the key to happiness.


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