Monday, January 01, 2007

Skatesports RAWKS FOREVER!

Seriously, if you can't skate, you gotta learn it. It's super fun! After my 1 month package is finished, I wanna do salem (those cone tricks?) skating under this PRO instructor. He's super old unlike Skatesports instructors, but he's PRO. And I want those BEAUTIFUL salem skates! Well, my mum promised these, so she has to deliver! =) But salem skates are hardboot, so they're kind of uncomfortable. I mean, this Saturday I skated 4 hours and I got blisters, AND I WAS USING SOFT-BOOT SKATES. So think about what would happen if I used hard-boot skates?
I also learnt something from Skatesports: Instructors called "Shane" are CUTE. There's an ANGMO shane and a CHINESE shane and both are CUTE. Haha. But not that I like them. The angmo shane is cocky... The chinese shane is nice, but he's in Sec 5, which is in other words, NORMAL STREAM. And the both of them super-old! Okay not super old, but old enough! Wait. Why am I blabbing away about GUYS again? I wanted to tell you about my skating class!
Oh yea I forgot to mention. Skating, contrary to popular belief, is SUPER SAFE. I've only fallen a few times (okay I skated before) but as long as you bend you knees and lean forward, you'll NEVER fall. Unless you trip over a stone or you're too busy oggling at the Shane's or you talked too much (or super forgetful/clumsy like me) you won't fall backwards DURING CLASS. If you're self-taught (like me last time), you really fall a lot more, and on your bum and THAT REALLY HURTS. Not the 'ow.' kind of hurt, but the 'OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" kind of hurt. Haha. I WANNA LEARN SALEM SKATING THAT'S JUST SO COOL! But I need to learn backward skating and all that first... ='( There isn't skating today... But there's lesson tomorrow, Wednesday & Thursday nights @ 7.30pm and on weekends @ 11am & 3pm IF IT DOESN'T RAIN. Trouble is, sometimes it rains out of the blue...
GTG play piano, tatas!


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